The Koran

1.       A camel trader
2.       An Orphan
3.       Illiterate
4.       Ill-treated when he was young
5.       Married a wealthy old sickly widow woman for her money
6.       Claims to have received revelation from God which no one ever sees
7.       Since he cannot read & write he could not record anything so he could make things up as he goes along
8.       He has no idea of science or logic or law which leads to  his claim on science or on creation which makes his God sound so dumb by the explanation he gives to questions asked by his own followers
9.       He was a sex maniac who wanted every woman that struck his fancy so much so he marries a 6 year old child and also his daughter in law and countless other slave women and wives of soldiers killed by his waring hordes.
10.   He even killed his own men who were a little greedy when it came to sharing the spoils of war
11.   He was a dictator who ruled with an iron fist and made sure he will not be questioned by anyone smarter than he so he comes up with the idea that you cannot question him or anything he has said as it was the word of God  
12.   To make sure he got more money he said that non-believers must pay a tax and be a second class citizens and women are lower than livestock
13.   Than to make sure the followers don’t leave the religion he orders them to be killed. Thus the Muslim faith has a growing population  ( they dare not  leave) 
There were 6 Korans and when it was combined and rewritten the rest of the Koran were destroyed. This means the Koran is incomplete and passages were chosen by the translators and thus the Koran cannot be the word of god. 
1.       Since the Koran is not from God then Mohamad is not a prophet of any religion thus explains his behaviour.
Based on the fact that was taken from the Koran and it can be proven that the Koran was the work of the devil and the link explains what the Koran was all about , 

  • Now the Islamic religion is backfiring where Muslims are killing their own just because they belong to a different sect of Islam
  • Now Islamic clerics can make a rule which will actually give an order for the followers have the licence to kill anyone just based on the Fatwah No Questions asked

  • If you don’t like someone you can say that the other has said or done something against Islam and the chances are they can get away with it in a most Islamic country

  • Now the biggest masterpiece was if one dies for the sake of Islam you a guaranteed a direct ticket to heaven  where you will get 72  virgins or boys depending on your preference and lots and lots of wine and a host of other things which is forbidden on earth
  • In the end he suffered from Vernal Disease and was killed by one of his wife and a slave women who he had raped several times who poisoned him. For his sins he suffered a very painful death. Without medication peeing would be hell every time he had to went to the toilet. The condition gets worse as time goes on. He would have been so happy to die.
  • No prophet of any religion on earth had such a death.
  • The only religion that condones death to non-believers, it allows FGM & Child marriage , honour killing  & sex with corps .( I’m not joking)